Covarrubias es una villa y municipio español (código INE-113), situado en la Comarca del Arlanza, provincia de Burgos, en la comunidad de Castilla y León. En el siglo X el conde de Castilla Fernán González y su hijo García Fernández convirtieron a Covarrubias en la capital del Infantazgo de Covarrubias y cabeza de uno de los más importantes señoríos monásticos. Por este motivo esta población es conocida como «La cuna de Castilla». Presenta un entramado urbano bien conservado, unido a un patrimonio monumental amplio, en la que destaca el Torreón de Fernán González, la única fortaleza castellana anterior al siglo XI que se conserva. Turísticamente, forma con las vecinas localidades de Lerma y Santo Domingo de Silos el llamado Triángulo del Arlanza.
Covarrubias is a village and municipality in the province of Burgos in the Spanish autonomous community of Castile and León.It has 640 inhabitants, and it is near to Mecerreyes, Cubillo del Campo and Hortigüela.Covarrubias is situated in the valley of the river Arlanza, which is extensively wooded with among other species Spanish Juniper. Part of the area belonging to the municipality is included within a Special Protection Area for bird-life such as vultures. The village itself was declared a Conjunto Histórico-Artístico, a type of conservation area, in 1965.Covarrubias features picturesque vernacular buildings in a natural setting that attracts many tourists, some of whom come from abroad. Covarrubias and Tønsberg in Norway have entered a friendship agreement as the result of a medieval connection with Christina of Norway, Infanta of Castile.A church honouring Saint Olaf II of Norway, designed by the architect Pablo López Aguado, has been built in the town and dedicated in 2011. One of the first areas to be reconquered from the Moors in the late ninth century, Covarrubias had an influence on Castile and its language.The river is popular for swimming and canoeing. One feature, Fuente Azul, is 6 km away. It has a mild climate, and a diverse cuisine: its black pudding is famous in Burgos province, and it produces grapes, Arlanza (DO), and cherries.
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