Carmen : the music by Georges Bizet as represented at The...

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Libros General Carmen : the music by Georges Bizet as represented at The London Italian Opera houses. (18--) - Bizet, Georges, 1838-1875     Digital objects Objetos digitales [PDF]

Title: Carmen : the music by Georges Bizet as represented at The London Italian Opera houses.

Publication: London : Davidson's Musical opera-Books, [18--]

Physical description: 30 p. ; 25 cm.

Notes: En portada: With an English version and the music of the principal airs.
Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2014

Materia / geográfico / evento: Ópera-Programas Icono con lupa

UDC: 782(083.97)

Type of publication: Libros Libros

Derechos: The Creative Commons CCO:

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Programas Icono con lupa
Ópera Icono con lupa


Biblioteca de Castilla y León (Valladolid) — Signature: G 32180(4) — Nº de registro: 105060 — Código de barras: 71174228

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