Palencia, choir screen in Cathedral, date 1522

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Illustrations and photographs Prints Palencia, choir screen in Cathedral, date 1522 (1893) - Prentice, Andrew N., 1866-1941     Imágenes digitales Imágenes digitales [PDF]

Section: Prints

Title: Palencia, choir screen in Cathedral, date 1522 [Material gráfico] / [Andrew Prentice]

Publication: [London] : [B. T. Batsford], [1893]

Physical description: 1 estampa ; 28 x 39,5 cm en h. de 33 x 43,5 cm

Notes: Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010

Registros relacionados: Estampa separada de. Renaissance architecture and ornament in Spain : a series of examples selected from the purest works executed between the years 1500-1560, measured and drawn, together with short descriptive text / by Andrew N. Prentice. - London : B. T. Batsford, 1893. - Pl. 7

Materia / geográfico / evento: Catedral de Palencia-Grabados Icono con lupa

UDC: 726.6(460.183)

Type of publication: Illustrations and photographs Illustrations and photographs

Derechos: The Creative Commons CCO:

Otros temas relacionados:
Grabados Icono con lupa
Catedral de Palencia Icono con lupa


Biblioteca de Castilla y León (Valladolid) — Signature: MG-11126

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