"El monasterio de Santa María la Real de las Huelgas, conocido popularmente como monasterio de las Huelgas, situado en la ciudad de Burgos (Castilla y León, España), es un monasterio de la congregación de monasterios de monjas cistercienses de San Bernardo. Fue fundado en 1187 por el rey Alfonso VIII de Castilla y su esposa Leonor de Plantagenet. Alberga obras de gran valor, entre ellas, algunas de las vidrieras más antiguas de España"
"The Abbey of Santa María la Real de Las Huelgas is a monastery of Cistercian nuns located approximately 1.5 km west of the city of Burgos in Spain. The word huelgas, which usually refers to "labor strikes" in modern Spanish, refers in this case to land which had been left fallow. Historically, the monastery has been the site of many weddings of royal families, both foreign and Spanish, including that of Edward I of England to Eleanor of Castile in 1254, for example. The defensive tower of the Abbey is also the birthplace of King Peter I of Castile."