Estadística General
Number of works 199
Number of groups of multimedia objects 412
Número de grupos de objetos multimedia con posibilidad de búsqueda en texto 273
Number of multimedia objects 53,943
Número de objetos multimedia con posibilidad de búsqueda en texto 53,777
Number of libraries with works 7
Number of locations with works 2
Tipo Libros Newspapers and magazines Illustrations and photographs
Titles 194 1 4
Authors and collaborators 141 1 6
Subjects 21 1 4
Works by type of material
Type of groups of multimedia objects
Estadística por colección de imágenes y tipo
JPEG images JPEG images 206
PDF files PDF files 206
Total 412
Type of groups of multimedia objects
Number of collections by library and type of material
Library Libros Newspapers and magazines Illustrations and photographs Total
Biblioteca Domínguez Berrueta 11 11
Biblioteca Pública de León 17 17
Biblioteca Pública de Palencia 2 2
Biblioteca Pública de Segovia 1 1
Biblioteca Pública de Soria 1 1
Biblioteca Pública de Ávila 55 55
Biblioteca de Castilla y León (Valladolid) 106 4 110
Multimedia objects by library
Library Nº grupos de objetos multimedia Nº objetos multimedia
Issues Biblioteca Domínguez Berrueta 22 1,336
Issues Biblioteca Pública de León 34 5,238
Issues Biblioteca Pública de Palencia 4 810
Issues Biblioteca Pública de Segovia 2 242
Issues Biblioteca Pública de Soria 2 696
Issues Biblioteca Pública de Ávila 112 13,777
Issues Biblioteca de Castilla y León (Valladolid) 236 31,844
Total 412 53,943
Multimedia objects by library
Statistics by section and type of material
Section Libros Newspapers and magazines Illustrations and photographs Total
Fotografías 3 3
General 194 1 195
Ilustraciones 1 1
Range of dates of the works
Rango Fechas Libros Newspapers and magazines Illustrations and photographs
Year of the oldest document 1765 1871 1780
Year of the most modern document 1948 1871 195u